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Rules of Internal Communication


September 23, 2014

By Liam FitzPatrick and Klavs Valskov

Talking to your workforce involves almost every skill set in the communication profession and a few that are unique to employee communication. Writing, event management, message planning, design and advising leaders have to supplement an understanding of line supervisors and coping with the darker corners of HR.


We recently sat down to write a book explaining the practice of internal communication, to produce the guide that we wish we’d been given when we started working in the field. And quickly we realized what a massive task we’d taken on!


Painfully aware that we were bound to miss something vital, we decided to cover our backs by setting down what we thought were the essential rules of internal communication. We’d love to know what IABC folks think.


RULE No. 1It’s about results and outcomes; not activity
Every conversation in internal communication begins with, “What do we want people to DO?” No matter how exciting it is to deliver a beautiful brochure, leadership conference or intranet site, if nobody works differently, what is the point?

ルールNo.1: 結果と成り行きに関わることであって、活動ではない


RULE No. 2It’s about the business
Why should the boss fund the never-ending party that is the internal communication team if there is no impact on the business? When you can show the link back to the business need or the organization’s problems, you can expect the CFO to fall adoringly at your feet (well, sometimes…).

ルールNo.2: ビジネスに関わること


RULE No. 3Don’t drive with your eyes shut
Communicators are a bridge between two worlds. They have to understand how the workforce thinks so they can explain to leaders why their latest mad idea is going to be hard to communicate. And internal communicators can only do that if they’re always on the move, talking and listening. No one else can do it for you because what you know is what makes you valuable and without it, how can you produce communication that will interest anyone or talk to their concerns?

ルールNo.3: 目を閉じたまま運転しない


RULE No. 4: People have two ears and one mouth—so should organizations
You mom told you it was rude to shout and never listen; but that’s exactly how most organizations behave towards their staff. When people are listened to at work, amazing things happen; people are more loyal, work harder and embrace change.

ルールNo.4: 人は二つの耳と一つの口を持っている―組織も同様であるべきだ

話を聞かずに叫ぶことは失礼だとあなたは母親に教えられたでしょう; しかしまさに同じことをほとんどの組織がスタッフに対してしているのです。人々は、職場で話を聞いてもらえると、驚くべきことが起こります; 人々はより忠誠になり、より一生懸命に働き、変容を受け入れるのです。

RULE No. 5Come with data, leave with respect
Did you hear the story about the CFO who was respected even though they never looked at the data? No, neither did we, but we know loads of comms people who think they can entertain a boardroom with their sparkling personality and wit alone. Senior managers live in a world of facts and spreadsheets so show them data about process and outcomes and present it simply. You don’t need a Ph.D. to show how communication can help with the things that matter.

ルールNo.5: データを持ち込んで、尊敬されて去りなさい


RULE No. 6Line managers matter
Some people claim that supervisors and line managers will often turn out to be your best channel for employee communication; not always, but very often. When local leaders care about communication, can explain how events and plans affect their people and feel listened to, staff work harder and are more committed. You’ll nearly always get great results when you ask, “What do I need managers to discuss with their teams?”

ルールNo.6: 一線にある管理職は重要である


RULE No. 7There is no silver bullet
Here’s a fun game to play: Count the number of emails or web posts you see in a week announcing that all employee communication problems will be solved by XYZ product/service/tool. We bet you rarely have a week when all the problems of your universe can be remedied by some wonder tool. It has never been true and never will be!

ルールNo.7: 一発必中の策はない

やると面白いゲームがあります: 全ての従業員コミュニケーションの問題はXYZ商品/サービス/ツールで解決できますと銘打ったeメールやweb投稿記事が1周間で何本あるか数えてください。ある素晴らしいツールであなたの世界の全ての問題が治るまで1週間とかからないと断言できます。これは全く真実でなかったし、これからもありえません!

RULE No. 8What we do matters
Our job lets us stick our nose where we like and allows us to make a real difference. Who actually gets to change things daily at work in small and large ways? That’s pretty cool, isn’t it? But it also behooves us to take our professionalism seriously, to develop our skills and to treat what we do with respect!

ルールNo.8: 我々がまさに気にかけること


There are some great thinkers in the profession. People like Roger D’Aprix, ABC, IABC Fellow, Bill Quirke and Kathryn Yates are a true inspiration. Their message consistently is that employees want someone to tell them what their job is, how they’re doing and how it relates to the bigger picture. Organizations want good staff to stick around, to work hard, to be flexible and to be external ambassadors.

この仕事にも偉大な思想家が何人かいます。IABC研究員のRoger D’Aprix, ABC,やBill QuirkeとKathryn Yatesのような人々は、真に閃きを与えてくれる。彼らのメッセージは一貫しています。従業員は、自分の仕事が何であるか、自分の仕事ぶりがどうであるか、そしてそれが組織の大きな画でみるとどう関わりがあるか教えてくれる誰かを欲しがっているのです。組織は、いつもそばに居て一所懸命に働き、柔軟に対応し、外に対してアンバサダーのように代弁してくれる良きスタッフを求めています。

If you want to deliver communication that helps people do their jobs and adds value to your organization, these rules will stand you in good stead and allow you to use the power of internal communication make a difference in your organisation.


This is based on an extract from Liam FitzPatrick and Klavs Valskov’s latest book, Internal Communications: A Manual for Practitioners, published by Kogan Page.

本記事は、Liam FitzPatrickとKlavs Valskovの最新刊「インターナルコミュニケーション:実践者のマニュアル」(発行Kogan Page)からの抜粋に基づいている。

Klavs Valskov is joint managing partner of change communication consultancy Agenda Strategies. He recently co-authored the book Internal Communications: A Manual for Practitioners, published by Kogan Page. Klavs is vice chair of IABC’s Europe, Middle East and North Africa region.

Klavs Valskovは変革コミュニケーションのコンサルタント会社Agenda Strategies共同パートナー。このほど「インターナルコミュニケーション:実践者のマニュアル」(発行Kogan Page)を共同著作した。KlavsはIABC欧州・中東・北アフリカ地域の副代表。

Liam FitzPatrick is joint managing partner of change communication consultancy Agenda Strategies. He recently co-authored the bookInternal Communications: A Manual for Practitioners, published by Kogan Page. Liam is a Fellow of the U.K. Chartered Institute of Public Relations and a member of the Global Communication Certification Council.

Liam FitzPatrickは、変革コミュニケーションのコンサルタント会社Agenda Strategies共同パートナー。このほど「インターナルコミュニケーション:実践者のマニュアル」(発行Kogan Page)を共同著作した。Liamは英国Chartered Institute of Public Relationsの研究員であり、Global Communication Certification Councilのメンバー。

Filed Under: CW Observer BlogTagged With: Leadership and Career Building